Package ByteAPI

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__all__ = ["PublicProfile", "PublicPost", "ByteAPI", "Community", "DraftPost", "Conversation"]

from ByteAPI.ByteAPIClient import ByteAPI
from ByteAPI.PublicProfile import PublicProfile
from ByteAPI.Post import PublicPost, DraftPost
from ByteAPI.Conversation import Conversation




class ByteAPI (token)

Create a new ByteAPI Client instance from token

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class ByteAPI:
    def __init__(self, token):
        """Create a new ByteAPI Client instance from `token`"""
        self.__token = token
        self.__rsess = requests.Session()
        self.user_info = self.__accountInfo()
        self.username = self.user_info["username"]
        """Username of the Authenticated user"""
        self.user_id = self.user_info["id"]
        """UserID of the Authenticated user"""
        self.following = self.__accountFollowing()
        self.following_count = self.user_info["followingCount"]
        self.follower = self.__accountFollowing()
        self.follower_count = self.user_info["followerCount"]
        self.loop_count = self.user_info["loopCount"]
        self.consumed_loops_count = self.user_info["loopsConsumedCount"]
        self.profile_backgroundColor = self.user_info["backgroundColor"]
        self.profile_foregroundColor = self.user_info["foregroundColor"]
        self.conversations = self.__conversations()

    def __conversations(self):
        ret = []
        res ="", headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }, json={}).json()
        for conversation in res["data"]["conversations"]:
            ret.append(Conversation(self.__rsess, self.__token, conversation["id"], conversation["messages"], conversation["members"]))
        return ret

    def __accountInfo(self):
        res = self.__rsess.get("", headers={"Authorization": self.__token})
        handleResponseError(self, res)
        return res.json()["data"]

    def __accountFollowing(self):
        res = self.__rsess.get("", headers={"Authorization": self.__token})
        handleResponseError(self, res)
        return res.json()["data"]

    def __accountFollowers(self):
        res = self.__rsess.get("", headers={"Authorization": self.__token})
        handleResponseError(self, res)
        return res.json()["data"]

    def findAccount(self, account_id: str) -> PublicProfile:
        """Get a `PublicProfile` object by account_id"""
        profile = PublicProfile(self.__rsess, self.__token, account_id)
        return profile

    def findPost(self, post_id: str) -> PublicPost:
        """Get a `PublicPost` object by post_id"""
        post = PublicPost(self.__rsess, post_id, self.__token)
        return post

    def changeUsername(self, username: str):
        """Change your own username"""
        res = self.__rsess.put("", headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }, json={ "username": str(username) })
        return handleResponseError(self, res)

    def changeDisplayname(self, display_name: str):
        """Change your own displayname"""
        res = self.__rsess.put("", headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }, json={ "displayName": str(display_name) })
        return handleResponseError(self, res)

    def changeColorScheme(self, color_scheme: int):
        Change your profiles color scheme. `color_scheme` has to be one of the existing color schemes which can be fetched with `colorSchemes(self)`
        if int(color_scheme) in range(0, len(self.colorSchemes()["colors"])):
            res = self.__rsess.put("", headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }, json={ "colorScheme": int(color_scheme) })
            return handleResponseError(self, res)
        raise APIError("Unknown Color scheme ("+str(color_scheme)+")")

    def colorSchemes(self):
        """Get a list of available color schemes which can be used to set your user profiles color scheme."""
        res = self.__rsess.get("", headers={ "Authorization": self.__token })
        handleResponseError(self, res)
        return res.json()["data"]

    def postComment(self, post_id, text: str):
        """Post a comment under a post by post_id with the contents of text"""
        res =""+str(post_id)+"/feedback/comment"), headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }, json={ "postID": str(post_id), "metadata": "{\"source\":\"feed:your_mix::collection:popularNow\"}", "body": str(text)})
        handleResponseError(self, res)
        return res.json()["data"]

    def deleteComment(self, comment_id):
        """Delete a existing comment by comment_id"""
        res ="" + str(comment_id)), headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }, json={ "commentID": str(comment_id) })
        return handleResponseError(self, res)

    def likeComment(self, comment_id):
        """Like a comment by comment_id"""
        res = self.__rsess.put((""+str(comment_id)+"/feedback/like"), headers={ "Authorization": self.__token })
        return handleResponseError(self, res)

    def dislikeComment(self, comment_id):
        """Dislike a comment by comment_id"""
        res = self.__rsess.delete((""+str(comment_id)+"/feedback/like"), headers={ "Authorization": self.__token })
        return handleResponseError(self, res)

    def postCommentReply(self, comment_id, text: str):
        """Reply to a existing comment by comment_id"""
        res =""+str(comment_id)+"/feedback/comment"), headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }, json={ "postID": str(comment_id).split("-")[0], "metadata": "{\"source\":\"feed:your_mix::collection:popularNow\"}", "body": str(text)})
        handleResponseError(self, res)
        return res.json()["data"]

Instance variables

var user_id

UserID of the Authenticated user

var username

Username of the Authenticated user


def changeColorScheme(self, color_scheme: int)

Change your profiles color scheme. color_scheme has to be one of the existing color schemes which can be fetched with colorSchemes(self)

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def changeColorScheme(self, color_scheme: int):
    Change your profiles color scheme. `color_scheme` has to be one of the existing color schemes which can be fetched with `colorSchemes(self)`
    if int(color_scheme) in range(0, len(self.colorSchemes()["colors"])):
        res = self.__rsess.put("", headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }, json={ "colorScheme": int(color_scheme) })
        return handleResponseError(self, res)
    raise APIError("Unknown Color scheme ("+str(color_scheme)+")")
def changeDisplayname(self, display_name: str)

Change your own displayname

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def changeDisplayname(self, display_name: str):
    """Change your own displayname"""
    res = self.__rsess.put("", headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }, json={ "displayName": str(display_name) })
    return handleResponseError(self, res)
def changeUsername(self, username: str)

Change your own username

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def changeUsername(self, username: str):
    """Change your own username"""
    res = self.__rsess.put("", headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }, json={ "username": str(username) })
    return handleResponseError(self, res)
def colorSchemes(self)

Get a list of available color schemes which can be used to set your user profiles color scheme.

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def colorSchemes(self):
    """Get a list of available color schemes which can be used to set your user profiles color scheme."""
    res = self.__rsess.get("", headers={ "Authorization": self.__token })
    handleResponseError(self, res)
    return res.json()["data"]
def deleteComment(self, comment_id)

Delete a existing comment by comment_id

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def deleteComment(self, comment_id):
    """Delete a existing comment by comment_id"""
    res ="" + str(comment_id)), headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }, json={ "commentID": str(comment_id) })
    return handleResponseError(self, res)
def dislikeComment(self, comment_id)

Dislike a comment by comment_id

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def dislikeComment(self, comment_id):
    """Dislike a comment by comment_id"""
    res = self.__rsess.delete((""+str(comment_id)+"/feedback/like"), headers={ "Authorization": self.__token })
    return handleResponseError(self, res)
def findAccount(self, account_id: str) ‑> ByteAPI.PublicProfile.PublicProfile

Get a PublicProfile object by account_id

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def findAccount(self, account_id: str) -> PublicProfile:
    """Get a `PublicProfile` object by account_id"""
    profile = PublicProfile(self.__rsess, self.__token, account_id)
    return profile
def findPost(self, post_id: str) ‑> PublicPost

Get a PublicPost object by post_id

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def findPost(self, post_id: str) -> PublicPost:
    """Get a `PublicPost` object by post_id"""
    post = PublicPost(self.__rsess, post_id, self.__token)
    return post
def likeComment(self, comment_id)

Like a comment by comment_id

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def likeComment(self, comment_id):
    """Like a comment by comment_id"""
    res = self.__rsess.put((""+str(comment_id)+"/feedback/like"), headers={ "Authorization": self.__token })
    return handleResponseError(self, res)
def postComment(self, post_id, text: str)

Post a comment under a post by post_id with the contents of text

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def postComment(self, post_id, text: str):
    """Post a comment under a post by post_id with the contents of text"""
    res =""+str(post_id)+"/feedback/comment"), headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }, json={ "postID": str(post_id), "metadata": "{\"source\":\"feed:your_mix::collection:popularNow\"}", "body": str(text)})
    handleResponseError(self, res)
    return res.json()["data"]
def postCommentReply(self, comment_id, text: str)

Reply to a existing comment by comment_id

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def postCommentReply(self, comment_id, text: str):
    """Reply to a existing comment by comment_id"""
    res =""+str(comment_id)+"/feedback/comment"), headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }, json={ "postID": str(comment_id).split("-")[0], "metadata": "{\"source\":\"feed:your_mix::collection:popularNow\"}", "body": str(text)})
    handleResponseError(self, res)
    return res.json()["data"]
class Conversation (session: requests.sessions.Session, token: str, conversation_id: str, messages: list, members: list)

This represents a direct-message conversation between two users

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class Conversation:
    def __init__(self, session: requests.Session, token: str, conversation_id: str, messages: list, members: list):
        """This represents a direct-message conversation between two users"""
        self.__token = token
        self.__rsess = session = conversation_id
        self.messages = []
        for message in messages:
            self.messages.append(Message(self.__rsess, self.__token, message["id"], message["conversationID"], message["authorID"], message["body"]))
        self.members = []
        for member in members:
            self.members.append(PublicProfile(self.__rsess, self.__token, member))
class DraftPost (session: requests.sessions.Session, thumbnail_upload_id: str, video_upload_id: str, allow_remix: bool, caption: str, duration: float, token: str)

Used to create/publish posts within the API

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class DraftPost:
    def __init__(self, session: requests.Session, thumbnail_upload_id: str, video_upload_id: str, allow_remix: bool, caption: str, duration: float, token: str):
        """Used to create/publish posts within the API"""
            self.__rsess = session
            self.__token = token
            self.thumbnail_upload_id = thumbnail_upload_id
            self.video_upload_id = video_upload_id
            self.allow_remix = allow_remix
            self.caption = caption
            self.duration = duration
        except Exception as err:
            raise Exception("Unable to create draft ("+str(err)+")")
    def publish(self):
        """Publishes the data saved in the Used DraftPost instance and returns `PublicPost` for the published Post"""
        res ="", headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }, json={
            "thumbUploadID": self.thumbnail_upload_id, 
            "allowRemix": self.allow_remix,
            "soundTitle": None,
            "videoUploadID": self.video_upload_id,
            "composition": {
                "text": [],
                "footageTypes": [],
                "imageCount": 0,
                "clips": [
                        "isFromCameraRoll": False,
                        "isFrontFacingCamera": False
                        "isFromCameraRoll": False,
                        "duration": self.duration,
                        "isFrontFacingCamera": False
            "caption": self.caption,
        if res["success"] == 1:
            return PublicPost(self.__rsess, res["data"]["id"], self.__token)


def publish(self)

Publishes the data saved in the Used DraftPost instance and returns PublicPost for the published Post

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def publish(self):
    """Publishes the data saved in the Used DraftPost instance and returns `PublicPost` for the published Post"""
    res ="", headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }, json={
        "thumbUploadID": self.thumbnail_upload_id, 
        "allowRemix": self.allow_remix,
        "soundTitle": None,
        "videoUploadID": self.video_upload_id,
        "composition": {
            "text": [],
            "footageTypes": [],
            "imageCount": 0,
            "clips": [
                    "isFromCameraRoll": False,
                    "isFrontFacingCamera": False
                    "isFromCameraRoll": False,
                    "duration": self.duration,
                    "isFrontFacingCamera": False
        "caption": self.caption,
    if res["success"] == 1:
        return PublicPost(self.__rsess, res["data"]["id"], self.__token)
class PublicPost (session: requests.sessions.Session, post_id: str, token: str)

Returned when fetching posts

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class PublicPost:
    def __init__(self, session: requests.Session, post_id: str, token: str):
        """Returned when fetching posts"""
            self.__rsess = session
            self.__token = token
            self.post_data = self.__rsess.get("" + str(post_id), headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }).json()["data"]
   = post_id
            self.type = int(self.post_data["type"])
            self.caption = str(self.post_data["caption"])
   = PublicProfile(self.__rsess, self.__token, self.post_data["authorID"])
            self.curation_allowed = bool(self.post_data["allowCuration"])
            self.remix_allowed = bool(self.post_data["allowRemix"])
   = int(self.post_data["date"])
            self.video_source = str(self.post_data["videoSrc"])
            self.thumbnail_source = str(self.post_data["thumbSrc"])
            self.comment_count = int(self.post_data["commentCount"])
            self.like_count = int(self.post_data["likeCount"])
            self.liked_by_me = bool(self.post_data["likedByMe"])
            self.loop_count = int(self.post_data["loopCount"])
            self.rebyted_by_me = bool(self.post_data["rebytedByMe"])
            self.rebyte_count = int(self.post_data["rebyteCount"])
            self.share_url = str(self.post_data["shareURL"])
            if "animatedThumbnail" in self.post_data:
                self.animated_thumbnail_source = str(self.post_data["animatedThumbnail"])
            if "watermarkedVideo" in self.post_data:
                self.watermarked_video_source = str(self.post_data["watermarkedVideo"])
   = PostMedia(self.__rsess,, self.__token)
            if "category" in self.post_data:
                self.category = str(self.post_data["category"])
       = Community(self.__rsess, self.post_data["community"]["id"], self.__token)
        except Exception as err:
            raise Exception("Unable to find post (ID: "+str(post_id)+")")

    def like(self):
        """Like the post"""
        res = self.__rsess.put((""+str("/feedback/like"), headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }, json={ "_context": { "isZenMode": False }, "metadata": "{\"source\":\"feed:your_mix::collection:popularNow\"}", "postID": str( }).json()
        if "success" in res:
            if res["success"] == 1:
                self.__init__(self.__rsess,, self.__token)

    def dislike(self):
        """Dislike the post"""
        res = self.__rsess.delete((""+str("/feedback/like"), headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }, json={ "_context": { "isZenMode": False }, "metadata": "{\"source\":\"feed:your_mix::collection:popularNow\"}", "postID": str( }).json()
        if "success" in res:
            if res["success"] == 1:
                self.__init__(self.__rsess,, self.__token)

    def similar(self):
        """Find similar posts"""
        res =""+str("/similar", headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }, json={ "metadata": "{\"source\":\"feed:your_mix::collection:popularNow\"}" })

    def rebyte(self):
        """Rebyte the post"""
        res ="", headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }, json={ "postID": str(, "metadata": "{\"source\":\"feed:your_mix::collection:popularThisMonth\"}" }).json()
        if res["success"] == 0:
            if res["error"]["code"] == 2002:
                self.__init__(self.__rsess,, self.__token)
                return True

    def unrebyte(self):
        """Un-rebyte the post"""
        res = self.__rsess.delete((""+str("/rebyte"), headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }).json()
        if res["success"] == 1:
            self.__init__(self.__rsess,, self.__token)
            return True


def dislike(self)

Dislike the post

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def dislike(self):
    """Dislike the post"""
    res = self.__rsess.delete((""+str("/feedback/like"), headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }, json={ "_context": { "isZenMode": False }, "metadata": "{\"source\":\"feed:your_mix::collection:popularNow\"}", "postID": str( }).json()
    if "success" in res:
        if res["success"] == 1:
            self.__init__(self.__rsess,, self.__token)
def like(self)

Like the post

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def like(self):
    """Like the post"""
    res = self.__rsess.put((""+str("/feedback/like"), headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }, json={ "_context": { "isZenMode": False }, "metadata": "{\"source\":\"feed:your_mix::collection:popularNow\"}", "postID": str( }).json()
    if "success" in res:
        if res["success"] == 1:
            self.__init__(self.__rsess,, self.__token)
def rebyte(self)

Rebyte the post

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def rebyte(self):
    """Rebyte the post"""
    res ="", headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }, json={ "postID": str(, "metadata": "{\"source\":\"feed:your_mix::collection:popularThisMonth\"}" }).json()
    if res["success"] == 0:
        if res["error"]["code"] == 2002:
            self.__init__(self.__rsess,, self.__token)
            return True
def similar(self)

Find similar posts

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def similar(self):
    """Find similar posts"""
    res =""+str("/similar", headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }, json={ "metadata": "{\"source\":\"feed:your_mix::collection:popularNow\"}" })
def unrebyte(self)

Un-rebyte the post

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def unrebyte(self):
    """Un-rebyte the post"""
    res = self.__rsess.delete((""+str("/rebyte"), headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }).json()
    if res["success"] == 1:
        self.__init__(self.__rsess,, self.__token)
        return True
class PublicProfile (session: requests.sessions.Session, token: str, user_id: str)

Returned when fetching a public profile using ByteAPI.account(<Account ID>)

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class PublicProfile():
    """Returned when fetching a public profile using `ByteAPI.account(<Account ID>)`"""
    def __init__(self, session: requests.Session, token: str, user_id: str):
            self.__rsess = session
            self.__token = token
            self.user_data = self.__rsess.get("" + str(user_id), headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }).json()["data"]
            self.user_id = self.user_data["id"]
            self.username = self.user_data["username"]
            """Username of the target user"""
            self.display_name = self.user_data["displayName"]
            """Displayname of the target user"""
            if "avatarURL" in self.user_data:
                self.avatar_url = self.user_data["avatarURL"]
                """URL to the users avatar (if exists)"""
            if "bio" in self.user_data:
       = self.user_data["bio"]
                """Biography of the user (if exists)"""
            if "preferences" not in self.user_data:
                self.is_following = self.user_data["isFollowing"]
                self.is_followed = self.user_data["isFollowed"]
                self.is_blocked = self.user_data["isBlocked"]
                self.can_message = self.user_data["canMessage"]
            raise Exception("Unable to find user (ID: "+str(user_id)+")")

    def follow(self):
        """Follow the account"""
        res = self.__rsess.put(""+str(self.user_id)+"/follow", headers={ "Authorization": self.__token })
        self.__init__(self.__rsess,self.user_id, self.__token)

    def unfollow(self):
        """Unfollow the account"""
        res = self.__rsess.delete(""+str(self.user_id)+"/follow", headers={ "Authorization": self.__token })
        self.__init__(self.__rsess,self.user_id, self.__token)

    def rebytes(self):
        """Get all rebytes of the account"""
        res = self.__rsess.get((""+str(self.user_id)+"/rebytes"), headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }).json()
        return res["data"]

    def posts(self):
        """Get all posts of the account"""
        res = self.__rsess.get((""+str(self.user_id)+"/posts"), headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }).json()
        return res["data"]


def follow(self)

Follow the account

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def follow(self):
    """Follow the account"""
    res = self.__rsess.put(""+str(self.user_id)+"/follow", headers={ "Authorization": self.__token })
    self.__init__(self.__rsess,self.user_id, self.__token)
def posts(self)

Get all posts of the account

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def posts(self):
    """Get all posts of the account"""
    res = self.__rsess.get((""+str(self.user_id)+"/posts"), headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }).json()
    return res["data"]
def rebytes(self)

Get all rebytes of the account

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def rebytes(self):
    """Get all rebytes of the account"""
    res = self.__rsess.get((""+str(self.user_id)+"/rebytes"), headers={ "Authorization": self.__token }).json()
    return res["data"]
def unfollow(self)

Unfollow the account

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def unfollow(self):
    """Unfollow the account"""
    res = self.__rsess.delete(""+str(self.user_id)+"/follow", headers={ "Authorization": self.__token })
    self.__init__(self.__rsess,self.user_id, self.__token)